Greetings from Grant.3
‘Dazzled by his radiant beauty’:
Dear Friends
In this week’s online service, Katy shared with us some thoughts on one of the most bewildering events found in the Bible known as the transfiguration. You can read about it in Mark 9:2-9.
I hope you were as encouraged by Katy’s message as I was.
If you weren’t able to be with us, Katy encouraged us to face this difficult time in which we find ourselves and to reconnect and meet with Jesus because it is in him that we can be 'dazzled by His radiant beauty'.
Sometimes, these lockdowns have felt as though we are living in one of those old black and white films - where some of the colour and pizazz of our vibrant lives has disappeared. And yet, when we see God, and our eyes are fixed on him, there is only warmth, and full ’technicolour!’
At this moment, the daffodils are looking like they are about ready to burst open, and the snowdrops are already putting on a display - even in sad and difficult times creation still finds a way to glorify God and display some of His radiant beauty.
So, whatever we find ourselves doing this week, may we first spend time with the Lord, fixing our eyes upon him that we, like the rest of his beautiful creation, would fill this world with colour so that others may be 'dazzled by His radiant beauty'.
I hope you’ll be able to join us this Sunday either online or in person.
Do get in touch with me if there is anything we can be praying for or help with.
Love and blessings,
The Revd Grant Fensome
Vicar - Basildon, Aldworth & Ashampstead
01491 671555