Ukraine Response
The brutal war in Ukraine has triggered the largest war-related migration of people since the Balkan War of the 1990s. Many of us have registered to host Ukrainian families when they arrive in the UK. This is now beginning to happen. There is a weekly coffee morning on Monday’s in Pangbourne for Ukrainians to meet others. The details are below and in both English and Ukrainian so can be shared as needed.
ukraine coffee mornings in pangbourne
Український клуб «Лелека»
Ранкова кава по понеділках
Mondays from 10am to 11:30am
St Bernadette's Church Hall,
Horseshoe Road,
Many local residents are generously sharing their homes with Ukrainians. We would like to provide an opportunity for those from Ukraine to meet with one another and make connections in a small, informal setting. Refreshments will be provided.
Багато місцевих жителів щедро відкрили двері своїх домівок для українців.
Ми хочемо створити простір для того, щоб українці змогли об’єднатися та поспілкуватися в затишній та неформальній атмосфері. Пригощаємо напоями.
По понеділках з 10:00 до 11:30