
Weekly Newsletter 10th March

Dear Friends,

I hope this update find you and those you love well.

Many folks have been asking what we can do to help with the sad crisis in Ukraine. There are plenty of things we can do, although many of them still don’t feel like ‘enough’. I have pledged our support to the Sanctuary Foundation which means that we can offer to host and support families who may end up needing somewhere to live, if the boarder issues are sorted. We can also give donations both financially and material items. There are plenty of places to do this. We can also sign the petition calling the government to provide increased humanitarian support to the people of Ukraine. You can find it here if you are interested. Finally, we can pray.

Some prayer resources from the Church of England can be found here. Some prayer resources from Bishop Steven can be found here.

We prayed for the people of Ukraine on the first of our Lent walks this week and at the services last Sunday. We shall continue to do this at all of our events and services over the coming weeks. Why not join us this week as we seek peace and cry out ‘Lord, have mercy’.



Weekly Newsletter 3rd March

Hi all,

I hope this finds you well. Please see below this week’s news and notice sheet. We’ve had a fabulous start to the new Tiddlers group this week, so a huge thank you to everybody who kindly donated and purchased toys for it. We’re also really looking forward to the new style family service ‘Bacon Butty Sunday’ beginning at Basildon this weekend too! We also have our family service at Ashampstead and the early communion service at Aldworth. If you’ve been thinking about Ukraine this week and want to join us in praying for peace then the service details are below and you are most welcome to join us at any service. Also, there is a prayer for peace underneath as well which we can all pray at home.

God bless you.



Please join with us as we continue to pray for peace.

Heavenly Father, hear our prayers for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine.

Lord we ask for peace for those who need peace, reconciliation for those who need reconciliation and comfort for all who don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Lord may your Kingdom come, and Your will be done. 

Lord God, we ask for you to be with all – especially children who are suffering as the crisis in Ukraine deteriorates. Lord for those who are anxious and fearful. For those who are bereaved, injured or who have lost their lives. And for those who have lost loved ones. Lord hear our prayers. 

Lord, we ask that decisions makers hear Your voice. Parents protecting their families – deciding whether to stay or leave. Church leaders as they support and comfort people. And Lord we ask for wise actions from global leaders - who have the power not only to start wars, but to stop them too.  

 And Father God we cry out for an end to this crisis. For mercy, peace, and truth – because You are light, hope, power, and love. Amen. 

Weekly Newsletter 24th Feb

Dear Friends,

It seems somewhat trivial to be writing about things coming up across the benefice when folks across the Ukraine, and indeed many other places around the world, are facing such heartbreak and fear at the moment. We are praying for peace and for all those affected by the latest violence in Ukraine each day. If you would like to pray or talk to somebody about it, then our churches remain open each day, as do all of our telephone lines and emails. We’d be very happy to hear from you.

We come then towards the week before Lent. We’re joining together for a special Ash Wednesday communion service at St. Stephen’s 10am next Wednesday and then we begin our Wonder Walks and Lent Lunches. You are invited to join us as we enter this season before Easter as a community.

Tiddlers - The new toddler group begins next week at St. Stephen’s and we’re still looking for a few more bits and pieces to make it extra special. Particularly ‘ride-on’ toys. We’ve put a little Amazon Wish list together which you can find here if you would like to support this wonderful new adventure with a few new toys/items for the children.

Wish List:

Hope to see you very soon and you and those you love are well.



Weekly Newsletter for 13th Feb

Hi all,

Please see below a slightly different format for the weekly email. You will now be able to find copies of the newsletter on our website for further browsing as well as a few copies in church during the week. Please do feel free to pass me any feedback you have so we can continue to make these much better and more accessible to you. Also, as ever, please do get in touch if you have any items you would like to see in the newsletter.

God bless,
