Weekly Newsletter 3rd November

Dear Friends,

Many of you will know that St. Clement’s church Ashampstead is currently undergoing some significant renovations both inside and out. The project is all about protecting and preserving the chancel from rising damp issues. We are pleased with the current progress and thought I could share a few photos with you all.

Below you can see a before shot of the Altar alongside a few current shots of its protective wrapping, and the machinery and grounds works going on in the graveyard. It’s such a privilege to look after this magnificent building as part of our Benefice. We will keep you updated on the progress throughout the renovations.

This whole project has reminded me that just like our old beautiful buildings, each of us need a little maintenance every now and again. We need refreshment, we need repairing, we need restoring. The scriptures remind us continually of the work of the Holy Spirit, renewing and restoring us into His image. Life’s struggles can dissipate the joy from us - even from the most positive person. Pile one struggle on top of another, and we can easily become trapped under the weight of despair. God’s promise for restoration doesn’t only apply to our physical strength, but our spirits as well. Join us this Sunday to hear something of God’s promise of restoration, God’s love for you and the hope we can live with now.

Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and uphold me with a willing spirit. (Psalm 51:12)

