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Holy Communion, Worship online with Zoom

Holy Communion, Worship online with Zoom, for the Benefice

This Sunday we are celebrating the Presentation of Christ in the temple.

In the Gospel reading we hear the wonderful story of the old man, Simeon recognising in the child Jesus what he had been praying and hoping for all his life: “…. mine eyes have seen thy salvation which thou hast prepared before the face of all people.  To be a light to lighten the Gentiles and to be the glory of thy people Israel.” 

We shall be doing a small dramatization of the Gospel reading (Luke 2, vv22-40) and we are inviting you all to have a candle close at hand and light it during the closing responsory in the service

  Juliet Straw will be celebrating and Katy will be preaching.

Zoom with Derek.png

Zoom details are:

Meeting ID: 862 5793 5137

Passcode: Church