We are pleased to invite you to join a small group discussion for Lent - Encounters with Jesus from John's Gospel.
It will be on Zoom, so you can see it on computer or smart phone.
Grant, Jonathan, Rosemary or Mike will lead take in in turns to lead and there will be opportunity for you to join in.
Join us at 7:50 (chat) for 8.00 pm start, each Wednesday for about 40 minutes.
You can join the Zoom Meeting by clicking on this url just before 7.50 pm:
In case you need it - meeting ID: 848 6783 1877 and Passcode: Basildon
Those without a computer can phone in and listen, and join in with any comments and questions. Please share this phone number with anyone interested who doesn’t have internet.
Just dial 0203 481 5240 and tap in the meeting id etc when requested.
Meeting ID: 848 6783 1877
Password: 379081
One tap mobile:
+442034815240,,84867831877#,,1#,379081# United Kingdom
+441314601196,,84867831877#,,1#,379081# United Kingdom
Our thanks to Nicky Larkin who is facilitating this meeting on Zoom.
We journey with Jesus through John’s gospel to Easter and beyond!
In each encounter we learn something specific about Jesus
• 24 Feb: First disciples (John 1.35-51)
• 3 Mar: Nicodemus (John 3.1-21):
• 10 Mar: Samaritan woman (John 4.1-26)
• 17 Mar: Bethany family (John 11.1-44)
• 24 Mar: Peter Part 1 (John 13.31-38)
• (31 Mar: Easter week no meeting – watch daily recordings instead)
• 7 Apr: Mary Magdalene (John 20.1-18)
• 14 Apr: Disciples and Thomas (John 20.19-29)
• 21 Apr: Peter Part 2 (John 21.15-22)