I am sure you will all be very sorry to hear that John died earlier this week. He had not been well for some time and his health deteriorated rapidly in the last few weeks.

John had lived in Ashampstead for many years and I know he will be missed by his family and friends. We pray for Rowena, Celia and Tom in their loss.

His cremation is planned for Monday 18th May at the West Berkshire Crematorium. Sadly the service has to be restricted to his immediate family but please hold John and his family in your prayers at 3pm on Monday 18thMay.

Revd Katy Weston


Ashampstead Looking Out For Our Neighbours

To ALL local residents:

We would like to reach out to anyone who needs help during this worrying time concerning the corona virus. Anyone, especially residents living alone or who are elderly and need help with anything ie shopping, doctors’ prescriptions - or just would like to have a chat - please call us.

Key people to contact are Will Carter (07803 850927), Katy Weston (07765 255569) and Trudi Butcher (01635 579319). Behind them there is a whole army of volunteers who are able and very willing to give help and support. Please do contact Will, Katy or Trudi so they can put you in touch with someone who can help.

For ANY residents who use WhatsApp we have set up an Ashampstead Neighbours WhatsApp Group so we can all communicate within the village - please message Will Carter on 07803 850927 to join the group. There is also a village email Group which you can join by contacting Rona on Finally, if you are a villager who would like to add your name to this group of volunteers, please also let Will know

We would like to reassure you that we are here to help please don’t be afraid to ask

Joan Margaret Collyer 29.9 1931 – 22.12 2019

Joan Margaret Collyer  29.9 1931 – 22.12 2019

Joan’s funeral took place in St Clement’s church on Friday 31st January, and our condolences go to her many friends and family who filled the church to wish her farewell.

Joan was born in Bristol, the fifth of seven children.

She retired to Ashampstead in later life, having been Warden of Pages Gardens sheltered housing in Pangbourne, where she was apparently famous for the roast dinners she would cook for the less able residents - a tradition she continued for her neighbours and friends in Ashampstead.

Joan could always be relied on to support village events, and was one of the founder members of Ashampstead’s regular “Tea and Chat” meetings in the village hall. She will be very much missed by her neighbours, particularly Tom Cripps and Pam Quirke, both of whom were a great help to her in later years when she became less mobile….

The Ashampstead Wall Paintings

St Clement’s, at Ashampstead was built for the Benedictine Abbey of Lyre, France in the 12th century.

During the 12th Century the Abby’s Scriptorium was very active, bearing witness to the abbey’s vitality and prestige by the quality of the illuminated manuscripts it produced and which are now conserved in libraries throughout Europe.

In the mid-12th century the monks also undertook rebuilding at the abbey, but in 1188 it was destroyed in a fire, St Clement’s & it’s wall paintings date from this time.

Pilgrims, Walkers & St Clement’s

St Clement’s, has been a destination for pilgrimage & prayer at Ashampstead since it was built by the Benedictine Abbey of Lyre, France in the 12th century.

Within the parish there are 47 paths offering walks and rides through differing terrains such as ancient woods and coppices, across fields and along ancient drove roads.