Weekly Newsletter 27th July
Dear friends,
I hope this update finds you well.
Last weekend we trialled our new project “The Master’s Studio” at St. Stephen’s. This is an initiative to gather together creative people of all faiths and none from across our communities to share experience, to collaborate, to create together and have a space to explore the relationship between creation and the creator. It was wonderful to see the church building used in a creative way to host and facilitate such an event which brought people from all across the district and county. There was painting, music, writing, songwriting, composing all going on - I’ve included some photos from the day below. We are looking forward to planning a few more of these sessions after the summer so if you have a creative streak, we’d absolutely love to see you there so look out for future dates - God saw all that he had made and declared it was good!
This weekend we join together as one church family as the villages unite and share a joint service together which will be at 10am at St. Mary’s Aldworth. Absolutely everybody is welcome so please do come along.
I hope you have a lovely week ahead.
St. Bartholomew’s News - Don’t miss out
Whole Benefice SERVICE THIS WEEKend
across the villages
See all upcoming events on our website