The Revd Jen Green Joins the team
We are delighted to share with you that our new Curate, the Revd Jen Green has officially been ordained and enjoyed her first Sunday with us this past week. Jen joins us as a full time minister for approximately three years where she will be in the final phases of her training to be a vicar. Jen’s husband is Graham and they have two lovely children, Beatrice and Edward. We’re really looking forward to her getting stuck into rural life here throughout the benefice. Jen will be taking services, leading events and getting involved in our communities, so if you do see her about, do say hi!
Below are a couple of photos from her recent ordination by the Bishop of Oxford at Christchurch Cathedral, Oxford.
The bishop laid his hands on Jen and ordained her into leadership in God’s Church.
From Left-right: The newly ordained Revd Jen Green, Revd Grant Fensome, Revd Katie Weston.
Clergy team for Basildon, Aldworth and Ashampstead.